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The Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

Newsletter to Parents

Children are growing up in a digital world; technology is used on a daily basis more than ever before! Because of this, it is important that children stay up to date with the way our society functions. If technology is used appropriately, it can enhance what your child is learning and how they learn. Using applications involves exploration, and allows your child to inquire about a topic that they are interested in. Children are able to learn about various animals, people, objects, or settings that they may not be able to in real life, for example, children can use the “Google” app on an iPad to learn all about cheetahs.

Technology can also improve your relationship with your child. Children can continue to learn at home by using educational and engaging applications/programs. This can help you become more involved with your child’s school life. Technology could also be directly beneficial for yourself. You can use online resources to find numerous ideas for activities to implement with your child at home.

Seesaw is one of my favourite applications. It is an app that everyone can use; children, teachers, and parents. On Seesaw, children are able to document, share, and revisit their own work, in class or outside of school. They are able to log on anywhere, and can share photos, videos, links, notes, etc. with other classmates, parents, or teachers that are connected. Think of it as an educational, appropriate version of Facebook. Users can like/comment on shared posts. It is such a great way to share information with each other. If you would like to create a free account for your child, I will send you a password for our classroom.

Check out these articles for more information:

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